Wednesday, December 13, 2017

[uzqwnwwk] Trauma as impact

Is the easiest way to make a lasting impact on the world to cause psychological trauma in someone else?  Not necessarily a good impact.

Damage to or alterations of inanimate objects can usually be cleaned up or rebuilt relatively quickly.  Killing a person (other than the trauma this might cause others) tends to induce others to quickly fill the roles of the deceased.

In contrast, traumatizing a person causes an effect that persists for the rest of their lives, often decades.  Humans are simply more long-lasting than inanimate objects, so marks on them last longer.

Is the desire to leave a lasting impact on the world the motivation for terrible acts causing trauma in others?  It might be rational.  One imagines a Willy Loman-type person frustrated that his or her life has amounted to nothing then acting out.

Worse yet, traumatizing a child maximizes the duration of impact, the amount of time of "the rest of their life".  Do parents, educators, and other caregivers cause trauma to children for this reason?

Because trauma is so long-lasting, can it be exploited to use as a data storage medium?  The least horrifying way to do it would be to deliberately cause yourself to be traumatized, storing data useful to yourself in yourself.

Can the effect, the impact, be easily extended beyond one lifetime?  One would have to set up dominoes where trauma causes one person to change their behavior in a way that (later) traumatizes someone else younger.  This does not seem easy.  Maybe within an institution like religion it can be done.

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