Monday, November 27, 2017

[twdujyec] Potato of the sky

Inspired by French, call apples "potatoes of the sky".

Other possibilities: sky potatoes, heaven potatoes, potatoes of heaven, sky apples, apples of the sky, heaven apples, apples of heaven.

Riffing further: hell potatoes, potatoes of hell, hell apples, apples of hell.  Potatoes of the earth, earth potatoes.

Create a meaning for the phrase "apple of the earth" that is not "potato", and is so opposite from "potato" that it dangerous to assume it means potato. This will cause havoc when the phrase is translated to or from French.

How do you say "fried apples" in French in a context where "pommes frites" will be assumed to mean "French fries"?  Probably something like "apples not apples of the earth which have been fried".  Though maybe "fried apples of the sky" is enough to disambiguate.

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