Wednesday, September 27, 2017

[vswediqc] Rationally not learning

Mastering a skill requires both instruction then opportunities to practice what you learned.  Hypothesize that people rationally choose not to attend instruction because they correctly estimate that they will not have adequate opportunities to practice afterward.

Of course, this is broadly applicable to dropping out of school, or choosing not to continue education.

Inspiration was partner dancing lessons.  The opportunity to practice, social dancing outside of lessons, may be quietly sinister: effective practice involves making mistakes, so you can only learn in practice if you dance with someone whom you are comfortable making mistakes with, someone who is comfortable with you making mistakes.  That feeling of comfort, the decisions and behavior that make people comfortable or not, are very personal, and so we hypothesize harshly reflect social boundaries such as class or race, and ultimately induces the class and racial makeup of a dance scene.

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