Sunday, May 29, 2016

[abzaqhbj] Sorting go 囲碁 marbles

Construct a go 囲碁 set for which it is easy to separate the stones into white and black after the game.

Marbles of slightly different sizes: sort through a sieve which only lets the smaller size pass through.  Board would need indentations to prevent placed marbles from moving around.  However then stones would not slide easily for the scoring phase of post game.


The stones are on opposite sides of the density of water.  Separate by dumping the board contents into a container of water.  Messy and impractical.

Mechanical/electronic device which sorts stones dumped into its hopper by color using (very easy) computer vision.  Maybe hand cranked.

Thinking outside the box: every stone has opposite colors on both sides, like Othello.  Players draw from a common container during the game; there is no need to sort.  This causes problems for scoring systems which assume both players start with exactly the same number of stones, counting remaining stones at the end.

Even more lazy: same as current stones, but place them all in a common container.  Choosing the right color to play during the game is easy.

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