Saturday, February 21, 2015

[nxeqbztg] Fairy chess symbols

Represent on a diagram these 72 isotropic fairy chess pieces each with a different icon (text box) containing up to 5 characters.  For binary characteristics (various jumps), the presence or absence of a letter.  For ternary characteristics: a letter that looks different between uppercase (majuscule) and lowercase (minuscule) or absence.

Vaguely similar to Betza's Funny Notation.

Previously, constructing physical pieces for over the board play.  This time, we avoid color to not oppress the colorblind and to decrease the avoid the cost of printing diagrams in color.

White text on black background or vice versa depending on who owns the piece.  We need one more bit to designate the royal piece, perhaps decorate with a crown or cross.

If there were quaternary (or more) characteristics, we could add accents, choosing from letters without ascenders.

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