Sunday, December 14, 2014

[vmphblkj] Human generated captcha

Manually create an encoding of some data that is difficult for a computer to decode but easy for a human.  Unlike the "completely automated" CAPTCHA, this Human Generated PTCHA requires human effort to create (so us not suitable for high volume), but is hopefully much harder for a computer.

"Pictionary" style drawings of a word
"Charades" style video acting of a word
"Taboo" style spoken descriptions of a word
Cursive calligraphy
Interpretive dance
Riddles and puns

Original motivation was to thwart large scale automated copyright lawsuits.  Content is encrypted, actually merely obfuscated, with a key that is encoded in a HUPTCHA that is distributed with the content.

Avoid common DMCA takedowns for background music for a video.

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