Friday, September 19, 2014

[uewaoxcz] Coloring cube faces

How many ways are there to color the faces of a cube?  Two colorings are considered equivalent if they can be transformed to each other by rotation, reflection, or color permutation.

1 color, trivially 1 way.

2 colors.  Ratio 1:5 = 1 way, ratio 2:4 = 2 ways, ratio 3:3 = 2 ways.  Total 5.

3 colors.  Ratio 1:1:4 = 2 ways, ratio 1:2:3 = 3 ways, ratio 2:2:2 = 3 ways.  Total 8.

4 colors.  Ratio 1:1:1:3 = 2 ways, ratio 1:1:2:2 = 3+1=4 ways.  Total 6.

5 colors. Ratio 1:1:1:1:2 = 2 ways.

6 colors. 1 way.

Grand total 23.

The principled method would have been the Burnside lemma, article by Nick Baxter, which could tackle other polyhedra.

23 is not so different from the letters of the alphabet, suggesting the invention of a very 3D alphabet: no 2D snapshot is sufficient.

Inspired by considering easier Rubik's cubes.

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