Friday, November 08, 2013

[prdfkphf] Teaching talking to each other about sex

Two people like each other.  Teach them how to talk about sex.  There's lots of vocabulary to be learned, as sex is often a taboo topic in everyday society.  People may arrive having had radically different experiences and actions they've enjoyed or not.  That they like each other provides incentive to learn.

A technological tool might be a computer program, an app, which asks both people questions, then electronically negotiates the conversation, or at least the first part of it, for you.

"Not being able to talk about it" is a constructed social barrier to prevent people from having sex.

Original inspiration was a lack of vocabulary and custom of silence about talking to each other about partner dancing.  Yet people come to that with radically different styles and experiences, perhaps incompatible or painful if not discussed frankly.  (There is the additional complication that the people dancing may not actually like each other that much.)

Vocubulary can be crowd sourced.

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