Friday, December 25, 2009

[jvcvfvjo] Point growth tree growth

I'm growing a virtual tree (in the computer science sense: a connected graph with no loops). Here are snapshots of its growth, scaled.

tree 1 tree 2 tree 3 tree 5 tree 8 tree 13 tree 21 tree 34 tree 55 tree 89 tree 144 tree 233 tree 377 tree 610 tree 987 tree 1597 tree 2584 tree 4181 tree 6765 tree 10946 tree 17711 tree 28657 tree 46368 tree 75025 tree 121393 tree 196418 tree 317811 tree 514229 tree 832040 tree 1346269 tree 2178309 tree 3524578 tree 5702887 tree 9227465 tree 14930352 tree 24157817 tree 39088169 tree 63245986 tree 102334155 tree 165580141 tree 267914296 tree 433494437


Unknown said...

Very awesome visuals. I am working on a project that requires random 2D mazes. Could you share the algorithm that you used to generate your tree?

Ken said...

The algorithm (originally from an old issue of Scientific American Computer Recreations column whose date I don't know), is lightly documented in passing at on point movement from the edge of a circle and enforcing a tree constraint.